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Submit abstract

Submit abstract
Abstract submission
To give everyone a chance to present, submissions are limited to one abstract for an oral presentation per person
Please submit separate abstracts if you would like to give an oral and poster presentation. 

Abstract Submission Guidelines


Abstract submissions are open to anyone involved in egg-related research, including academics, postgraduates, museums and the poultry industry. 

Please use our abstract template to submit your abstract for an oral or poster presentation. 







Abstracts submissions should be structured as follows using the abstract template:

1.  File Name: Please name the electronic files using the following conventions: 1) Presenting author's first initial and last name, followed by an underscore "_", followed by the type of submission ("oral" or "poster"). If the presenting author is submitting more than one poster, please differentiate among these separate submissions using numbers immediately after the author name (e.g., jblack1_poster.doc, jblack2_poster.doc, etc) and saved as a *.doc file compatible with office 2007. 

2. Author List: First and Last name of each order. Do not include initials. Underline the presenting author. 

3. Author AffiliationDepartment, institution and country. Include email address of presenting author.  

4. Abstract body: Should be no more than 250 words. Please include background, methods, results, discussion, conclusions and what this project adds.  

5. Preferences: Tick box for oral presentation, poster presentation, or no preference.  If giving oral presentation, tick what topic is most suitable to your area. 

6. Email: Please email your abstract as an attachment to In the e-mail, please use “Egg Conference Abstract Submission” as the subject header.

For Oral and Poster Presentations
Abstract submissions are now closed
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